I feel a real awakening of the world.
Often fascinated by human behavior, always analyzing the shifts I see, one main trait stands out to me more than ever; authenticity. It's not that I see more authenticity around me, what I see though is the rise of a movement towards transparency. The generations are questioning the status quo more than ever, they are demanding the full truth and not the water-downed edited version I grew up digesting and accepting and then regurgitating. And that movement isn’t exclusive to the new generation, these questions are making us uncomfortable. And real change happens when we leave our comfort zone, doesn’t it?
What about women? How is that movement helping us evolve? I am blessed to have a platform that connects me to so many wonderful people. Through the discovery sessions I was offering these past few months, I was able to build personal connections across every interaction, and this made me grow a little more.
I learned that women are really inspired to do more, women are more confident being women, authentically embracing their feminine power.
I see around me more than ever women knowing and speaking their truths. I feel a sense of surrender and honesty; An overall release …
Last week, I participated in a breath-work ceremony and my mind and soul travelled. Alone with my inner voice, I could hear my full potential telling me to " be free from what prevents me to realize my destination" , exact words spoken through the music in the background. “free … from all the stories I have been told.”
That is it !!!… These stories are holding you back to become authentically YOU.
Stories of the soft, obedient, disciplined girl; stories of marrying a powerful man and having smart and beautiful kids; stories of social status; stories of superior physical appearances; stories of financial & material success…
The song then goes, "free ..to walk through the valley of my own shadow.”… And then this euphoric feeling came over me: freedom.
So what now? Can I be the woman I was born to be?
I see you having the courage to live and un-become . You are are being seen by others for what you really are, you are standing out and inspiring others to release the cast of society. Do you know what makes you unique? Have you really thought of what makes you, YOU?
And, Is it ok to be in a constant fomo ( fear of missing out ) state? Isn’t having fomo a good thing? I believe it is! Why? Because it means I want to see and do everything I can be capable of doing, everything I feel like doing, everything I dream of doing and that is beautiful and invigorating!
Seeing women at the top of their game throwing in the towel to spend endless hours watching Netflix and sipping rose at the pool, is exciting! Hearing of a woman saying enough to an abusive marriage and diving into the world as a single mom entrepreneur is exhilarating. Talking to the woman that is drunk in love and not interested in having kids is fascinating. Watching the woman dedicating her life to a job she hates to support her husband & kids’ dreams is honorable. WE ARE NOT ONE MOLD, and success isn’t a formula, but having the right to chose, the freedom to be, is the biggest act of rebellion in a world that would rather we conform to the way things are supposed to be or they way they always were.
To all the beautiful women I know, to the ones I met through my platform, to the ones that bared their soul to me, to the ones that didn’t ,yet watched and listened silently, and to all the ones encouraging and supporting the movement, continue writing new stories. Your diversity is your unique beauty.
I love you xxx